Horsefly Talent Analytics Insights

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Talent Acquisition (3)

How Talent Acquisition Professionals Are Beating the Growing Talent Shortage


In case you missed it, we recently discussed the impact the national talent shortage is having on key industries and how workforce planning professionals are addressing it. In short, it’s up to workforce planning professionals to ensure everyone is working towards a common vision and can contribute their expertise to address skill shortages effectively. But it’s not their role alone.

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The Growing Impact of the Talent Shortage: How Key Industries are Affected by the Lack of Skilled Workers


Businesses across all industries are grappling with a challenge that shows no signs of abating - the skills shortage. Critical job roles remain unfilled for weeks and months on end, resulting in reduced productivity and increased operational costs. As a talent acquisition and workforce planning professional, you are on the front line of this issue, responsible for finding the right candidates with the necessary skills to fill those vacancies ​​and ensuring the organization is well-equipped to face future challenges to operate efficiently despite any potential skills shortages.

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Tech Jobs by State Chart

Tech Talent Demand: What is Going On?


A Data Driven Look at the Tech Talent Marketplace

If you follow the talk around tech hiring, it is easy to form the view that things are going gangbusters at the moment, and that demand for tech talent has never been higher. The competition has never been more fierce in this theoretical war for talent, with companies battling it out from a scarce talent pool.

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Are You a Data Dinosaur?


How do you recognise a data dinosaur within Talent Acquisition?

Being a dinosaur means believing that you are collecting and using information that informs and measures but, in reality, the world has moved on. You have been left behind and are no longer evolving. You are marking time, probably keeping everyone happy until that moment when your organisation realises that their competitors seem to have an advantage, they don’t seem to have the recruitment and attraction problems you do, and they take a look at why!

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