Labor Market Analytics Blog | Horsefly Analytics

Part 1: Unleashing the Power of Labor Market Insights - Revolutionizing Your Recruitment Strategy

Written by Bill Boorman | Jul 9, 2024 7:06:59 PM


I'm excited to author this blog series to explore labor market insights. Data, and how to use it, is one of the most talked about topics among talent leaders. We have access to more data than ever before, so much that navigating what is useful and important has become a full time job. The purpose of this blog is to share my thoughts on the headlines about what should be the core considerations. Its not meant to be the definitive guide.

First off, we're diving headfirst into the exciting world of labor market insights and how they can supercharge your hiring game. If you're wondering why these insights are crucial for your recruitment strategy, stick around because we're about to break it all down for you.

Hiring has come a long way from posting job ads in newspapers and hoping for the best. In today's competitive job market, recruiters face a multitude of challenges that can make finding the right talent feel like finding a needle in a haystack.  With the power of data-driven insights, we're about to change the game and make your recruitment efforts more efficient and effective than ever before.

The Challenges Recruiters Face

Let's start by addressing some of the common challenges that recruiters encounter on a regular basis. If you've been in the industry for a while, you'll likely nod your head in agreement, our job here is to help you navigate all of the data accessible to you, to get the right insights. In a recent straw poll, I asked recruiters for the top challenges they might face day to day. These can be broadly broken down in to 5 key areas:

  1. Talent Shortage: One of the most pressing issues facing recruiters today is the shortage of qualified talent. As industries evolve and job roles become increasingly specialized, finding talent with the right skills and experience can be a real struggle. The question though is have we really run out of available talent, or are we just looking in the wrong place, or asking the wrong questions?

  2. High Competition: The job market is fiercely competitive, with multiple companies vying for the same top talent. Recruiters often find themselves in a race to attract and secure the best talent before their competitors do. Do we really understand how complex hiring for a role might be, when we accept the challenge from a hiring manager?

  3. Time-Consuming Processes: Traditional recruitment methods involve time-consuming tasks such as sifting through resumes, conducting interviews, and checking references. All this can delay the hiring process and increase the risk of losing top talent to faster-moving competitors. Are we able to be laser focussed in our search because we know what we are really searching for, or is it a case of needing to look at everything in the hope of finding enough profiles that look right to submit, an elusive short list?

  4. Limited Resources: Many recruiters face constraints on their budget and resources, making it challenging to invest in cutting-edge technology or tools that could streamline their processes. We know that hiring teams have shrunk over the last 12 months, and are showing no sign of growing. We also know that individual recruiter workloads are increasing in terms of volume. Everybody is being asked to do more with less. 

  5. Changing Job Market Dynamics: The job market is constantly evolving, influenced by factors such as economic conditions, technological advancements, and societal changes. Keeping up with these dynamics is critical for being in a position to best support the business with hiring. Hiring teams are being looked on to do much more than serve up talent on demand. The TA team needs to be the expert voice and guide in many new areas from complexity to hire, availability of talent, forecasting not just for today, but into the future through workforce planning. Increasingly TA teams are being charged with impacting retention, not just by improving long term fit, but new areas like career pathing and internal mobility.

Now that we've identified these challenges, let's explore how labor market insights can be your secret weapon in overcoming them.


Where does labor market insights fit into this?

 Labor market insights are like a treasure trove of information for recruiters. They provide valuable data and intelligence about the job market, which can inform and shape both your recruitment strategy and tactics. Here's how harnessing these insights can transform your approach to talent acquisition:

  1. Targeted Talent Sourcing: With labor market insights, you can identify where the talent you're looking for is concentrated. This means you can focus your recruitment efforts on regions or industries with a higher pool of potential talent, saving you time and resources. In marketing terms, we would call this addressable market. This can range from locations, where the talent works or lives now and so much more.

  2. Competitive Intelligence: Knowing what your competitors are up to is half the battle. Labor market insights can help you gain a competitive edge by revealing your rivals' hiring strategies, compensation packages, and even their employer brand strengths and weaknesses. If you know where the target talent groups work now, you can make sure you are competitive and tailor approaches, and campaigns accordingly.

  3. Skill Gap Analysis: Stay ahead of the curve by identifying emerging skills and trends in your industry. Labor market insights allow you to spot skill gaps in your organization and adapt your hiring criteria accordingly. We are increasingly hearing about the shift in thinking towards skills based hiring. The challenge is understanding the skills that might lie behind job titles and employers. Labor market insights unlock this through data driven skills taxonomies, converting old school approaches relying on resumes, and information the potential hire supplied (with the obvious shortcomings), to clearer profiling based on skills. The secrets are hidden in the data.

  4. Real-time Data: Recruitment doesn't wait, and neither should your data. Labor market insights provide real-time information, allowing you to make informed decisions on the fly and adapt to changing market conditions. What worked last time, might not work today. You need an understanding of the challenge as of now, in the moment.

  5. Streamlined Processes: Automate repetitive tasks like resume screening and talent matching with the help of data-driven tools. This frees up your time to focus on building relationships and making strategic decisions. The next year will see greater adoption of automation and AI. That means more of the top of the funnel work will be centred on rule based algorithms. The rules for hiring (think tasks like matching), need to be based on the story our current and historical data tells us. Use facts (insights) to make the rules and test the outcomes.

  6. Cost Reduction: By optimizing your recruitment processes with labor market insights, you can reduce costs associated with extended job vacancies and hiring mistakes.


How to Harness Labor Market Insights

Now that you're convinced of the power of labor market insights, let's discuss how you can start integrating them into your recruitment strategy:

  • Invest in Data Tools: There are various tools and platforms available that provide labor market insights, from job boards to data analytics software. Evaluate your options and choose the ones that align with your recruitment goals and budget. Horsefly is a leader in the labor market analytics space.  Reach out today to get a closer look.

  • Data Analytics Training: Ensure your team is well-versed in data analytics. Equip your recruiters with the skills and knowledge needed to interpret and leverage labor market data effectively. Whilst a platform might do the heavy lifting, invest time in making sure everyone understands the basic rules, principles and techniques you will be adopting.

  • Continuous Monitoring: Labor market insights aren't a one-time thing; they require ongoing monitoring. Set up regular reports and alerts to stay updated on market trends and shifts. Look for what is changing to stay on top, both big picture (macro) and on the hiring jobs at hand. (Micro.) 

  • Collaboration: Foster collaboration between your recruitment and marketing teams. Align your employer branding efforts with the insights gained from labor market data to attract the right talent, and use data to present complexity to hire to hiring managers. Use complexity to hire today (and tomorrow) to secure budgets, and to make sure hiring manager expectations match reality.

  • Adapt and Evolve: Use the insights you gather to adapt your recruitment strategy as needed. Don't be afraid to pivot if the data suggests a better approach, or new thinking.


Recruitment can be a challenging and dynamic field, but with the right tools and strategies, you can rise above the competition and secure top talent for your organization. Labor market insights offer an invaluable resource to recruiters, enabling them to make data-driven decisions, streamline their processes, and stay ahead of the curve. Embrace the power of labor market insights and revolutionize your recruitment strategy. Say goodbye to the days of blindly posting job ads and crossing your fingers, and say hello to a more efficient, effective, and data-savvy approach to talent acquisition. The future of recruitment is here, and it's looking brighter than ever!

Authored by 

Bill Boorman