Labor Market Analytics Blog | Horsefly Analytics

Part 2: Demystifying Labor Market Data - Unravelling the Data Web

Written by Bill Boorman | Jul 9, 2024 7:12:51 PM


Welcome back to the second installment of our journey into the world of labor market data. In our first blog in this series, we scratched the surface of what labor market data is and why it matters to talent acquisition professionals. Today, we're going to dive deeper, unravel the data web, and answer some burning questions about this invaluable resource. So, grab your detective hat, because we're about to uncover the secrets of labor market data!

Why is Labor Market Data Essential for Talent Acquisition Professionals?

Before we dive into the intricacies of labor market data, let's revisit why it's crucial for talent acquisition professionals. In a world where the job market is constantly evolving, having access to accurate and up-to-date labor market data is like having a treasure map. It helps recruiters and HR teams make informed decisions, streamline their hiring processes, and stay ahead in the fiercely competitive talent landscape.

Think how useful it would be if every time you were hiring, labor market data provided you with insights into the supply and demand for specific skills, helping you understand which roles are in high demand, where they are needed most, and how competitive the talent pool is in a specific geography. If you could understand the demographics and diversity make up of the addressable talent market, armed with this knowledge, you could develop more effective recruiting strategies and target your efforts where they will yield the best results, and ensure hiring managers have a realistic expectation of the possible.

But where does labor market data come from, and how can you make sense of it? Let's break it down.


Where Does Labor Market Data Come From?

Labor market data is like a massive puzzle, and its pieces come from multiple sources. Understanding these sources is crucial for interpreting and utilizing the data effectively. Here are some of the primary sources of labor market data:

  • Government Agencies: Government departments and agencies collect and publish labor market data regularly. These sources include the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the United States, the Office for National Statistics in the UK, and similar institutions worldwide. They provide data on employment rates, unemployment rates, job openings, wage trends, and more.

  • Surveys: Various surveys, such as the Current Population Survey (CPS) and the American Community Survey (ACS), collect data directly from individuals and households. These surveys help researchers understand employment patterns, demographic trends, and workforce characteristics.

  • Job Boards and Company Websites: Job boards and company websites are rich sources of data on job postings, job descriptions, and hiring trends. Websites like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Indeed offer valuable insights into job listings, skills in demand, and employer preferences.

  • Education and Training Institutions: Educational institutions provide data on the number of students graduating with specific degrees or qualifications. This information helps talent acquisition professionals gauge the availability of entry-level candidates with specific skills.

  • Private Data Providers: Several private companies collect labor market data through various methods, including web scraping, data partnerships, and proprietary algorithms. These providers offer detailed insights into market trends, candidate profiles, and competitive analysis.

  • Social Media and Professional Networks: Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and professional networks like LinkedIn serve as real-time sources of labor market information. Tracking industry-related hashtags, group discussions, and job postings can offer valuable insights.


Demystifying Labor Market Data: The Key Concepts

Now that we know some of the sources where labor market data comes from, let's explore some key concepts that will help you make sense of it:

  • Employment vs. Unemployment: Labor market data often distinguishes between employed and unemployed individuals. The employment rate measures the percentage of people who have jobs, while the unemployment rate represents those actively seeking employment but without jobs. These rates are vital indicators of a region's economic health.

  • Job Openings and Vacancies: Job openings and vacancies refer to positions that are currently available but not yet filled. Understanding the dynamics of job openings can help you assess the competitiveness of your recruiting efforts.

  • Occupational and Industry Trends: Labor market data categorizes jobs into occupations and industries. Tracking trends in specific occupations or industries can help you align your recruiting strategies with the evolving job market.

  • Wage Data: Wage data provides insights into salary ranges for various roles and locations. It's essential for determining competitive compensation packages and ensuring your offers are attractive to top talent.

  • Geographic Insights: Labor market data can be broken down by geographic region, allowing you to target your recruitment efforts strategically. Understanding regional variations in job markets can help you allocate resources effectively.


How to Harness Labor Market Data for Talent Acquisition

Now that we've demystified the origins and key concepts of labor market data, let's explore how talent acquisition professionals can harness this data for success:

  1. Market Research: Start by conducting thorough market research using labor market data. Identify the hottest job markets, the skills in demand, and salary expectations for specific roles in your industry.

  2. Strategic Workforce Planning: Use labor market data to forecast future talent needs. Understanding the availability of qualified talent will help you plan your recruitment strategy effectively.

  3. Competitive Analysis: Analyze data on your competitors' job postings, compensation packages, and hiring trends. This information can help you differentiate your organization and attract top talent.

  4. Targeted Sourcing: Leverage labor market data to identify potential talent pools and sources. Whether it's reaching out to educational institutions or using social media, data-driven sourcing is more effective.

  5. Real-time Adaptation: Keep a close eye on labor market data in real-time. Markets can change quickly, and being agile in your recruiting strategies is essential to staying competitive.

  6. Benchmarking: Understanding how you compare with other employers, and compared to the market as a whole.



We've explored the sources, key concepts, and practical applications of this invaluable resource for talent acquisition professionals. Labor market data is the compass that guides your recruiting journey, helping you navigate the ever-changing job landscape with confidence.

As we move forward in this series, we'll continue to unravel the mysteries of labor market data, providing you with the insights and tools you need to make informed decisions and drive successful recruitment outcomes. So, stay tuned for the next chapter in our data-driven adventure! If you want to know where Horsefly draws our data from, contact us to learn more.

Authored by 

Bill Boorman