This case study provides a detailed look at how Ørsted, the Danish multinational and global leader in renewable energy, leveraged Horsefly's Talent Analytics Solution to save over £35 million. By embracing sophisticated workforce planning and utilizing data-driven insights and analytics, Ørsted was better equipped than ever before to make informed decisions from global expansion efforts down to individual Talent Acquisition plans. This case study provides an in-depth analysis of how this technology enabled the company to become more proactive in their strategies, resulting in increased organizational success.

From understanding their competitive advantage within the global talent market to assessing the strategic opportunities for expansion and investment, Ørsted was able to leverage Horsefly's dynamic algorithms to gain powerful insights into human capital management. These insights were then used to pinpoint areas of opportunity for expertise development and optimize efficiency throughout the organization. This enabled Ørsted to identify potential risks associated with Talent Acquisition while also creating a new level of visibility into their workforce planning initiatives—ultimately saving them millions of pounds and positioning them for long-term success.

To learn more about this incredible story and discover how your organization can benefit from innovative data-driven solutions like Horsefly's Talent Analytics Solution, download this case study now!

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